Port Authority draws 0-0 at home with Buriram in Thai League football

Port FC drew 0-0 with Buriram United at home in the Thai League, a big match that allowed Buriram United to remain on top. Thai League 1 football, super big match yesterday, "Singha Chao Tha" Port FC, second place, opened their home at PAT Stadium to meet "Prasat Sai Fa" Buriram United, the leader. In the 22nd minute, from a quick counterattack, Port almost took the lead when Asnawi Mangkuwalam passed the ball to Kevin Deeromram who shot but the ball was off target. Two minutes later, Buriram had a chance when Guillerme Bissoli stole the ball from Peeradon Chamratsamee's mistake before deciding to take a long shot, the ball went just wide. The first half ended in a 0-0 draw. In the second half, the home team had a chance first. Bodin Phala shot a long-range ball that was about to go into the goal, but Neil Etheridge, who was far from the goal, stepped back to receive the ball. In the 59th minute, Singha Chao Tha had another chance when Willen Mota broke away and shot past Neil Etheridge, but the ball hit the post. Ten minutes later, Bodin Phala ran in and shot, but Philippine goalkeeper Neil Etheridge managed to deflect the ball out. In the 76th minute, Prasartsri had a chance when Supachai Jaided ran in to shoot, but Worawut Srisupa dove to block the ball. Supachai Jaided followed up to shoot again, but Worawut blocked the ball. The game ended with Port Authority drawing Buriram 0-0, with each team sharing 1 point. As a result, the Thunder Castle moved up to 16 points, continuing to lead the group, with 2 more points than Singha Chao Tha, who has 14 points. Source: Thai News Agency

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