The Senate President said that if any urgent motion is to be proposed, the President must know first.

Mongkol", the president of the Senate, revealed that the flood motion will not be included because it is waiting to be brought to the appropriate committee. He pointed out that if any urgent motion is to be proposed, the president must know first. It is not possible for anyone to say anything. He viewed the Senate as a flower of many colors, with their own thoughts. It would be difficult for anyone to point fingers and order. The issue of lobbying to set up a committee Mr. Mongkol Surassajja, President of the Senate, spoke about the failure to include the urgent motion on flooding by Dr. Premsak Piayura, Senator, saying that the Senate is aware of the natural disasters that have occurred. As a legislative branch, what can be done is to have Senators in the area go down to help take care of the people, including collecting a total of approximately 100,000 baht, which will be forwarded to the provincial governor or relevant agencies. As for the urgent motion on flooding, Mr. Mongkol said that next week's mee ting will be a meeting on amending the meeting regulations on the establishment of committees, which will look at which committees can include the flooding issue because this issue needs to be studied carefully and thoroughly, not just today or tomorrow, but in the long term. Therefore, there is no need to set up a special committee to study it again. However, he thanked the senators who set up the motion. It is a good thing that he wants to work. 'The chairman has a duty to facilitate and serve everyone. We cannot point fingers and order things around. We must listen to all sides and do the best together,' said Mr. Mongkol. In the meeting regulations, can the Senate not include an urgent motion orally? Mr. Mongkol said that the chairman must know the matter to be proposed first and must look at its origins and background. It is not like he can just say whatever he wants. Whether the motion is urgent or not, there should be a matter first. And importantly, is it related to the power and duty of the House? I s there sufficient reason to open a debate? In any case, the person who will allow the speech must know the matter first. Mr. Mongkol also mentioned the part where the regulations were amended to reduce the number of committees from 26 to 21, and that there had been criticism that they had received orders, saying that we cannot stop anyone's thoughts. Personally, he thought that each senator had different maturity and perspectives, like flowers with different colors that had been put together. Therefore, it would be difficult for anyone to tell them what to do in the parliament. As for the number of senators and committee members, are they consistent? Mr. Mongkol said that our number of senators is less than the previous set. It is all a resolution of the members. As for the chairman, his duty is only to follow the majority vote. The chairman's duty is only to arrange the order of the speakers. He cannot say anything, not even vote. Source: Thai News Agency

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