The law still cannot prosecute the importers of ‘black chin tilapia’.

Bangkok,, The Director-General of the Fisheries Department stated that the current fisheries law still cannot prosecute or claim damages from importers of “black-chinned tilapia” in cases where it may be…

“Natcha” praises the Director-General of Fisheries for daring to reveal information about the black-chinned tilapia.

Bangkok, ‘Natcha’, MP of the Move Forward Party and Vice Chairman of the Committee on Solving the Problem of Blackchin Tilapia, praised the Director-General of the Department of Fisheries for…

Accelerate the extraction of water from Huai Chiang Kham Reservoir after water erodes the dam and causes it to collapse.

Maha Sarakham, The Director-General of the Royal Irrigation Department urgently ordered the closure of the earthen dam next to the spillway building of Huai Chiang Kham Reservoir, Maha Sarakham Province,…

Preparing to set up purchasing points for ‘black-chinned tilapia’ in 16 provinces next week.

Bangkok, The Fisheries Department is preparing to set up a point to purchase black-chinned tilapia next week, following the order of Lt. Col. Thammanat, with the committee to solve the…

Eliminating the ‘Black-chinned Tilapia’ requires a combination of methods.

Bangkok, A lecturer from the Faculty of Fisheries at Kasetsart University revealed that reducing the number of black-chinned tilapia requires a combination of methods, emphasizing that methods must be selected…

Maha Sarakham Province, heavy rain, reservoir bursts, water overflows, floods 3 sub-districts, rice fields damaged

Maha Sarakham, Maha Sarakham Province, continuous rain, Huai Chiang Kham Reservoir bursts, flooding 3 sub-districts in Borabue District, huge mass of water overflows, causing severe damage to rice fields at…

Accelerate repairs to Huai Chiang Kham reservoir, affecting more than ten thousand rai of agricultural land

Maha Sarakham, Officials rushed to repair Huai Chiang Kham Reservoir in Borabue District, Maha Sarakham Province after the reservoir burst, causing a mass of water to overflow and flood agricultural…

Meteorological Department warns of heavy rain in the North, East and South-West regions.

Bangkok, The Meteorological Department has warned of heavy rain in some areas of the North, East and the West Coast of the South. People in these areas should be careful…