Announcement of the results of the consideration of projects/activities that received financial support from the Media Development Fund for 2024

The Safe and Creative Media Development Fund announced the results of the consideration of projects or activities that received financial support from the Safe and Creative Media Development Fund for fiscal year 2024.

The Safe and Creative Media Development Fund announced the results of the consideration of projects or activities that received financial support from the Safe and Creative Media Development Fund for the year 2024 and proceeded with signing contracts so that the projects could be implemented immediately. In the fiscal year 2024, there were a large number of applicants for funding, up to 1,137 projects, with a total of more than 5,200 million baht in funding applications, divided into the following categories:

Open Grant type: 566 projects, total budget 1,843,234,163 million baht

Strategic Grant type, total of 537 projects, total budget of 3,211,199,559 million baht

Collaborative Grant type: 34 projects, total budget 188,052,243 million baht

The application process for the grant is open fr
om October 1 – October 31, 2023 and will be submitted to the screening process of the Executive Subcommittee and the Fund Committee to consider projects or activities that should receive financial support from the Safe and Creative Media Development Fund for the year 2024 from July 2024 – September 2024, a period of 3 months, and the results can be announced on September 13, 2024.

The results of the consideration of projects or activities that received financial support, there were 115 projects that received funding approval, with a budget of 298,930,000 million baht, divided into 3 types as follows:

47 open grant projects, totaling 84,759,000 baht

Strategic Grant projects, 60 projects, totaling 174,238,400 baht

8 Collaborative Grant projects, totaling 39,932,600 baht

Divided into 41 individual projects, accounting for 35.65% of the project

budget, 67,593,500 million baht, and accounting for 22.61% of the budget.

Private organizations (associations, foundations) (non-profit) totaling 11 projects, accou
nting for 9.57% of the project

budget of 32,217,000 million baht and accounting for 10.78% of the budget.

Community organization 1 project, accounting for 0.87% of the project,

budget 1 million baht and accounting for 0.33% of the budget

7 state educational institutions projects, accounting for 6.09% of the project

budget of 20,936,600 million baht and accounting for 7.00% of the budget

Private educational institutions 2 projects, accounting for 1.74% of the project

budget of 4,550,000 million baht and accounting for 1.52% of the budget

2 government agencies, 1.74% of the project

budget, 8,579,000 million baht and 2.87% of the budget

and juristic persons (partnership companies) totaling 51 projects, accounting for 44.35% of projects,

budget of 164,053,900 million baht and accounting for 54.88% of the budget

In this regard, those who receive financial support from the Safe and Creative Media Development Fund for the fiscal year 2024 will receive a letter notifying the results of the consideration i
n order to enter into a contract according to the form specified by the Safe and Creative Media Development Fund Committee within 15 days from the date of receipt of the letter.

After this, the Fund Office will send a letter to inform those who have been selected and schedule an orientation for those who have received funding for the year 2024 to explain the project management guidelines and prepare for the contract so that the project can proceed immediately and not affect the delay in budget disbursement.

Details of each project of the results of the consideration of projects or activities that received financial support from the Safe and Creative Media Development Fund for fiscal year 2024 can be viewed on the Safe and Creative Media Development Fund website at the link or for more information, call 02-273-0116.

Source: Thai News Agency

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