Cabinet approves adjustments to public debt management plan for 2024

Cabinet adjusts public debt management plan for 2024, increasing debt by 112 billion baht to support 10,000 baht handouts for vulnerable groups.

The Cabinet meeting yesterday (September 17) approved the third adjustment of the public debt management plan for fiscal year 2024. The plan for new debt increased by 112 billion baht from the original 1.030 trillion baht to 1.142 trillion baht, and the loan to offset the budget deficit for fiscal year 2024 was adjusted down by 12.603 billion baht from the original 2.042 trillion baht to 2.029 trillion baht.

After changing the name of the Digital Wallet project to the 2024 economic stimulus project, the Budget Bureau has prepared details of the additional budget bill of 122 billion baht, prepared as a central budget, an expense list for economic stimulus and strengthening the economic system, which specifies a loan to compensate for the budget deficit of 112 billion baht.

Source: Thai News Agency

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