Confirming that the “State Path” app is highly secure and tightly prevents data theft.

Deputy government spokesperson confirms "State Path" app has strict measures to prevent data theft, is highly secure, and emphasizes that the state cloud system has a stability level of no less than 99.5%, so don't worry about your data being hacked. Mr. Karom Polpornklang, Deputy Government Spokesperson, revealed that according to the information released about applying for a government app with an ID card and face scan, there is a risk of being hacked because it is an open system connected to a bank account. Mr. Karam said that the Digital Government Development Agency (Public Organization) has examined the information and explained that the 'Tang Rat' application developed by the DGA is a service center that gathers government services that are easy, complete, and complete for all ages in a single application so that people can access government services conveniently, quickly, and safely. It helps facilitate, reduces steps, and reduces paper usage, responds to the paperless society, and makes work transp arent, auditable, and reduces corruption problems. It has received cooperation from various government agencies to provide data and various services of government agencies through the 'Tang Rat' application, which will be linked directly to the government agencies responsible for the data and services. The data is not copied or duplicated to the DGA in any way. The NESDB only acts to link data to the service and data owner agencies to facilitate people to retrieve their personal data. The 'Tang Rat' application is only a channel to link data to the original agencies and will not store people's data in the 'Tang Rat' application. The link to the digital systems of various government agencies through the platform installed on the government cloud system (Government Cloud) has a stability level (SLA) of not less than 99.5% and is a system with strict data theft prevention measures. It is highly secure. It has been certified with ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) as well as the " Tang Rath" application and related systems. It has been implemented in accordance with the Computer Crime Act (No. 2) B.E. 2560, the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562, and the Cybersecurity Act B.E. 2562. Therefore, personal information displayed in the "Tang Rath" application can only be accessed by the data owner and those who are legally authorized to access the data. 'The government confirms that the 'State' application and related systems have implemented strict measures to prevent data theft, are highly secure, and have been certified with ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Information Security Management Systems (ISMS). You can be sure that the data will not be disclosed to the outside,' Mr. Karam emphasized.

Source: Thai News Agency

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