
‘Ms. Eve’, the source of the deadly pickled drug, has been detained. She has kept her mouth shut and refused to answer media questions. During the investigation, she has denied all charges.

Min Buri Police investigators took Ms. Aree or ‘Jay Eve’, 32 years old, the source of methanol sales, the main culprit of ‘Deadly Pickled Medicine’, to request the Min Buri Criminal Court’s permission to detain her for the first time on charges of attempted murder, murder, and adulteration of food for others to consume or use, causing serious harm and death. At the end of the petition, the investigators objected to bail because it was a serious crime with a high penalty and there was concern that the suspect would flee if granted temporary bail. During the investigation, the suspect refused to give any statement and denied all charges.

While the sergeant on duty at the detention room gave information to the news team that Ms. Eve was clearly under stress, but she was able to eat and sleep normally and did not make any s
pecial requests. Last evening, relatives and a team of lawyers came to visit her.

Source: Thai News Agency

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