A-CDM model approved for official launch at Tan Son Nhat int’l airport

HCM City: In a stride towards aviation excellence, the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam (CAAV) has greenlit the official launch of the Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) model at Tan Son Nhat international airport in Ho Chi Minh City, effective from February 1, as declared by the airport on January 30. This announcement marks the culmination of an extensive three-year testing and collaborative efforts by Tan Son Nhat Airport and key stakeholders, positioning Tan Son Nhat as an A-CDM airport on the airport map both regionally and globally. Since December 2020, two phases have been tried on daily flights, totaling 22,441, with the model applied during low, peak, and all-day periods for an extended duration. Tan Son Nhat is the key gateway airport in the southern region, boasting the country's highest takeoff and landing frequency, with nearly 260,000 flights annually. Passenger throughput at the airport reached 42 million last year, exceeding its designed capacity by one and a half times. Duri ng the trial of the A-CDM model, significant operational efficiencies were observed, including a higher on-time flight rate, minimised instances of aircraft waiting on the taxiway, and improved luggage and cargo handling thanks to better flight planning. A-CDM model follows a global trend embraced by major airports. In Europe alone, 32 airports have successfully deployed A-CDM, with eight in the testing phase. Furthermore, close to 20 airports in Asia have also succeeded in adopting this transformative model. A-CDM, as a standardised process, facilitates seamless collaboration and information sharing among airport operators. It is tailored to address congestion, enhance operational planning efficiency, optimise the use of airport resources, and improve forecasting capabilities and ultimately flight punctuality./. Source: Vietnam News Agency

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