Chinese daily affirms attractiveness of Vietnam’s investment environment

Hanoi: The International Business Daily, the mouthpiece of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, recently posted an article highly valuing Vietnam's investment and business environment, especially its efforts in and results of attracting foreign investment in recent times and future prospects. The article wrote that over recent years, with the stable development of the economy, Vietnam has attracted an increasing attention of investors, and always leads Southeast Asia in terms of foreign direct investment (FDI) attraction. Compared to other Southeast Asian countries, Vietnam is more attractive to foreign investors because of its advantages - a stable political institution and an abundant and skilled workforce. Over recent years, Vietnam's semiconductor and high-tech industries have grabbed much attention from the world. It cited data from the Vietnamese Ministry of Planning and Investment's Foreign Investment Agency as saying that by January 20, Vietnam had attracted more than 2.36 billion USD in foreign inves tment, up 40.2% year-on-year. The author forecast that Vietnam's FDI attraction will maintain good growth momentum this year and the next period, given the fact that the Vietnamese Government always creates favourable conditions for investors for mutual development and benefit, with a lot of incentives on tax, factories, labour, raw material supply, and infrastructure. According to the author, Vietnam boasts rich natural resources, a rapidly growing consumer market, and a continuously improving policy environment, thus creating huge market potential that investors can exploit./. Source: Vietnam News Agency

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