9-year-old child claims to be possessed by a ghost; pediatrician advises consulting a psychiatrist

A 9-year-old boy in Saraburi Province has symptoms similar to being possessed by a ghost. He asked Doctor Pla for help, but Doctor Pla went to the area and did not find any ghosts. He suspects that it is a mental illness. The pediatrician said that it could be caused by several factors, including physical illness.

The image of a 9-year-old boy struggling and screaming, acting as if he was possessed by a ghost, crying out for pig’s blood and fresh chicken and wanting to take the boy’s body to live with him has caused panic and fear among the family and witnesses. This has intensified since the boy brought the broken Buddha statue back home from the base of a tree 4 days ago.

The boy’s sister said that normally her brother would like Buddha amulets and would collect broken and damaged Buddha amulets to fix them, following examples from YouTube. However, after collecting three Buddha images from the base of a tree behind the school and the temple, her brother began to exhibit unusual symptoms, as if he was po
ssessed. She wanted Mor Pla to come and help. When Mor Pla went to the area, he found that there was no mystical energy whatsoever. She suspected that the symptoms were caused by the boy’s own mental state.

While information from the school did not find that the boy had any worrisome problems, he was a good student and always came in first place in academic competitions. The family therefore took the boy to receive treatment at Saraburi Hospital. Initial findings showed that he was weak due to not eating and no other unusual symptoms were found. After returning from the hospital, there were no more signs of ghost possession and the boy was not aware of what he had done.

While from the perspective of a pediatrician expert, ‘Dr. Dew’, Associate Professor Dr. Suriyadev Tripathi, gave his opinion that in order to diagnose how a child develops symptoms like this, many factors must be considered, including the child’s personality, environment, and another possible factor, epilepsy, which can cause a variety of sy

Another important issue is the safety of receiving media from social media and other sources that are easily accessible but difficult to control, especially for children under 10 years old. Exposure to a lot of media about something or having a special interest, especially in abstract matters such as beliefs, can lead to embellishment. Therefore, I would like to ask parents to be careful. Even though the content may not seem very dangerous, be aware that children’s judgment is not yet sufficient. They still need a lot of advice and attention from their parents.

In addition, “Dr. Dew” also recommends that both the child and the guardian should be brought to see a doctor. This will allow for both information from the child’s perspective and developmental data from the guardian’s side, which will be the most appropriate method to receive advice on further treatment, not only in this case, but also in other cases.

Source: Thai News Agency

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