Democrat Party vows to act more strongly as opposition party after Move Forward Party is dissolved

"Alongkorn", Deputy Chairman of Strategy, Democrat Party, revealed that the Democrat Party will increase its role and intensity in performing its duties as the opposition party, hoping that former MPs from the Move Forward Party under the new party will be able to quickly re-establish their positions as opposition parties. In the case where the Constitutional Court ordered the dissolution of the Move Forward Party and disqualified 11 party leaders, Mr. Alongkorn Ponlabut, Deputy Chairman of the Democrat Party Strategy Committee, gave an interview to the media today that the dissolution of the Move Forward Party directly weakened the strength of the opposition in the House of Representatives. Therefore, the Democrat Party, which is one of the opposition parties, will increase its role and intensity in performing its duties as the opposition in checking and balancing the government, which holds the majority in the House of Representatives, especially in terms of corruption, solving the people's economic probl ems, and the government's policy management. 'A majority-minority system in the House of Representatives must have a strong and effective opposition to counter the government with more than 300 votes in the House. The stronger the opposition, the more beneficial it is to the people.' Mr. Alongkorn also expressed his hope that the MPs of the Move Forward Party under the new party will be able to quickly re-establish themselves as opposition parties, including nominating a person to serve as the opposition leader in the House of Representatives.-319. Source: Thai News Agency

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