Minister of Commerce posts closing of the ‘rice pledging’ legend, last lot during Yingluck’s era

Bangkok, 'Phumtham' is delighted to close the legend of the 'rice pledging' program, the last lot of the 'Yingluck' era, proving with 'truth', eliminating doubts that it was not 'imagination', bringing in more than 272 million baht to the national treasury. Mr. Phumtham Vejjayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce, posted a message on his personal Facebook page congratulating the Public Warehouse Organization (PWO) for winning the 10-year stockpile of rice that had dragged on for more than a month in the rice pledging program during the time of Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra, the former Prime Minister. He stated that the rice pledging program had ended in the past 2-3 months, since the day I went to inspect the last lot of rice in the rice pledging program, which was a policy to help farmers under Prime Minister Yingluck's government. Many questions have arisen in society, to the point that it has become 'an imagination that goes beyond reality.' Today, the 'truth' that has emerged is that the OAE, the agency responsible for the rice auction, has announced the names of the auction winners, which can be summarized as follows: 1. Rice in the warehouse of Poonphol Trading Co., Ltd., building 4, which has 3,356.592361 tons of rice, the auction winner, Sahathan Co., Ltd., increased the price from 18.69 baht/kg. to 18.71 baht/kg., the original value of 62,734,711.23 baht increased to 62,800,000 baht. 2. Rice in the warehouse of Kittichai, building 2, which has 11,656.654600 tons of rice, the auction winner, Saphaengthong Rice Co., Ltd. The price was increased from 15.62 baht/kg, valued at 182,040,000 baht, to 18.00 baht/kg, valued at 209,819,083 baht. The total value of the sales brought in money to the government was 272,619,083 baht. From the 'truth' of the value of the last lot of rice in the rice pledging program that has appeared today, I can't help but imagine going back 10 years and asking why the auction price of the rice at that time was less than 10 baht/kg, with the excuse that it was rotten rice that was not verified. Today, as the Minister of Commerce, whose duty is to oversee this matter, I am trying to carry out every step of the process to bring the most benefits back to the state. This is considered the end of the rice pledging legend with 'truth' that has been proven beyond doubt, not 'imagination' based on 'bias' that has caused the state to lose enormous benefits. Source: Thai News Agency

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