Ministry of Public Health announces promotion of proactive cooperation to prevent cervical and breast cancer.

Grand Richmond School, March 8 - The Minister of Public Health announced the promotion of proactive cooperation to prevent cervical and breast cancer. On International Women's Day Accelerating the expansion of testing units because of quick knowledge and cure. Ready to set up a cancer fund to increase access to treatment. Meanwhile, data reveals breast cancer is the number 1 cancer among Thai women. There are approximately 17,000 new patients per year. As for cervical cancer, More than 5,000 new cases are found per year. Dr. Chonnan Srikaew, Minister of Public Health Chaired the opening of the conference to discuss and strengthen women's cancer policy and opportunities for cancer care in women under the topic "Enhancing Women's Cancer Care: Thailand Women Cancer Policy Forum" for the 2nd time on International Women's Day, organized by the Gynecological Oncology Association. Thai Breast Disease Association of Thailand Cancer Network Foundation Breast Cancer Patients Club of Thailand and government and privat e sector network partners To discuss strengthening guidelines for prevention, treatment, and expanding opportunities for care for patients with cervical and breast cancer. To be able to further develop strategies and service systems for cancer in women. Drive awareness in society about prevention and screening for early disease detection. and support equal access to treatment with innovative medicine through 'Cancer Fund' to increase access to treatment for early stage cancer Emphasis is placed on integrating cooperation in the form of joint investment between the public and private sectors. To increase speed and flexibility in service Including not increasing the workload of government hospitals too much. Dr. Chonnan said that this meeting is in line with driving the next step in implementing the Ministry of Public Health's proactive policy on cancer in women. After the National Health Security Office included benefits for cervical cancer screening with HPV DNA Test and screening etc. Self-sampling test (HP V DNA Self-sampling Test) free of charge for all treatment rights. The National Health Security Committee also considered and approved it. 'Breast cancer screening proposal with mammography and ultrasound machines' in the national health insurance system to discuss guidelines as well as concrete methods of action, such as increasing access to screening. Establishing a cancer fund for equal access to innovative medicines for treating cancer at early stages without cost is a barrier. Including preparing a system to support breast cancer screening according to additional benefits. The Minister of Public Health added that Screening is important. Especially women who are at risk for breast cancer. Therefore, it was considered and approved to increase the benefits of breast cancer screening with mammograms and ultrasound machines for all women aged 40 years and over, medical treatment rights who have a history of first-degree relatives having breast cancer. and set a target for screening services in 2024, numberin g 40,600 cases, able to begin screening this April onwards. By assigning the Office of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Health to be the driving force. and the National Health Security Office Consider finding a source of funding. to reduce inequality Ms. Sirinthip Khatiyakarn, president of the Cancer Network Foundation, revealed that she would like to call for urgent action to drive the cancer fund. To have new methods To increase access to treatment for treatment-resistant and chemotherapy-refractory patients with innovative drugs such as targeted drugs and immunotherapy. which gives good treatment results but is expensive Entering the list of essential medicines will help prolong the life and quality of life of cancer patients. 'Cancer patients have Golden Time, having to fight against time because the tumor grows. progressively spreading But it will take more than 7-10 years before innovative drugs can be entered into the main drug list so that they can be reimbursed. This will have a gre at impact on cancer patients. Because every second of a cancer patient is very valuable,' while Ms. Ireel Traisansri, vice president of the Breast Cancer Patients Club It is seen that the Cancer Fund will help reduce the gap in medical expenses. equality in treatment Including the quality of life of patients and their families during the fight against cancer in a concrete way. This will help patients decide to undergo screening. and enter the treatment process in a timely manner Due to the detection of cancer and patient care in the early stages It is important in increasing your chances of survival. However To raise the standard of holistic and equitable breast cancer treatment in Thailand. Breast Disease Association of Thailand, by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yaowanuch Kongdan, President of the Breast Disease Association of Thailand has signed an academic cooperation agreement to raise the standard of holistic and equitable breast cancer treatment in Thailand. Between the Breast Disease Association of Thailand with 8 hospitals including Ratchaburi Hospital, Surin Hospital, Vajira Phuket Hospital, Namarak Hospital, National Cancer Institute, Srinakarin Hospital Khon Kaen University, Buddhachinnarat Hospital and Central Hospital. In addition, in increasing access Treating early stage breast cancer by setting up a cancer drug fund while the drug is not yet on the list of mainline drugs. And there are new methods. To speed up the system for considering drugs into the list of main drugs more quickly. To increase the opportunity for Thai women to have access to new treatment methods and innovations in the treatment of early stage breast cancer, such as receiving medicine to reduce the size of the lump before surgery, receiving medicine for patients who have remaining lumps after surgery. and various targeted drugs with high efficiency Prof. Siriwan Tangjitkamon, President of the Thai Gynecological Cancer Association, said there are still many Thai women who have not been screened for cervical cancer. Increasing access to cervi cal cancer screening as well. 'Cervical cancer self-sampling specimen collection kit' or 'HPV DNA Self-sampling' expanding proactive cervical cancer screening in Bangkok Through the creation of a mechanism to coordinate cooperation between government and private sector partners. Including discussions between relevant agencies to consider guidelines for preparing and managing data registers from 3 funds, consisting of the National Health Security Fund Civil servant medical welfare fund Social security rights Including information from private hospitals In order to accurately present the overall picture of cervical cancer screening at the national level. Data from the National Cancer Institute found that Cervical cancer is considered a serious threat to the health of women around the world. Each year, there are more than 5,000 new Thai women diagnosed with cervical cancer per year, or an average of 15 cases per day, and more than 2,200 deaths per year, or 6 cases per day. But cervical cancer is a cancer that c an be cured. can If found in the early stages And it can be prevented by testing for HPV. that is the cause of the disease early on, while the breast cancer situation in Thailand It was found that each year there are 37.8 new women with breast cancer per 100,000 population, which in 2020 was 22,158 people, or 22.8 percent of the number of women with all types of cancer. While the death rate from breast cancer is 12.7 per 100,000 population, in 2020 the number is 8,266 people, or 14.6 percent of women who died from all types of cancer. -417-Thai News Agency Source: Thai News Agency

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