“Phumtham” declined to answer that the new cabinet does not include the “Wongsuwan family”.

'Phumtham' raised his hand to ask the media to let today be the scene of the 'Prime Minister', declined to answer that the new cabinet does not have 'Wongsuwan', insisted that 'Ung Ing' is the main character in organizing the new army, said who knows, you have to ask the Prime Minister, emphasized that he is still acting because it has not reached the oath-taking stage yet. Mr. Phumtham Vejjayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce, returned after the royal appointment ceremony of Ms. Paethongtarn Shinawatra, Prime Minister. Reporters tried to ask about the news of the cabinet arrangement that would not include the Wongsuwan family, but Mr. Phumtham raised his hand to deny it immediately several times, saying, 'No, no, the Prime Minister already said that he did not hear. Today, the Prime Minister can speak clearly. Today, he is the Prime Minister. Let him talk about it. Everything is going according to the process.' When asked what it was like to form a cabinet as the government manager, Mr . Phumtham laughed and said that there was no government manager and the prime minister was the main person. As for whether the Prime Minister will take the oath before or together with the Cabinet, I don't know. We have to wait for the schedule to be released. He also emphasized that today is news about the Prime Minister. Let it be a matter for the Prime Minister. When asked how he would encourage the Prime Minister, Mr. Phumtham said that he would give him full support because he was a leader. Today, he would like to leave it to the Prime Minister. Today, he would like to let the entire interview be his. As for the others, he would like to leave it after today and let the Prime Minister decide on everything before discussing it again. When asked if the cabinet had been set up, Mr. Phumtham said who knows? You have to ask the prime minister. However, tomorrow (August 19), he will still be acting. Everything must follow the process because after the royal approval, there are still steps to take the oath o f allegiance and set up the cabinet, which has not been scheduled yet because he just left work today. As for submitting the cabinet to royal approval, that is the prime minister's responsibility. As for who will be assigned and how, we will discuss it later. The reporter reported that throughout the interview today, Mr. Phumtham raised his hand to refuse throughout the interview because he wanted it to be the Prime Minister's day. Source: Thai News Agency

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