“Senator Nantana” is about to collect signatures from the Senate to issue a statement of position, concerned about the dissolution of the party.

Parliament, "Senator Nantana" prepares to collect signatures from senators to issue a statement of position, worried that independent organizations will come in to determine and change the direction of Thai politics, even though they are not connected, but will dissolve the party that comes from the people, pointing out that many countries are also worried. Senator Nantana Nantvaropas mentioned the case where the Constitutional Court scheduled a ruling on the dissolution of the Move Forward Party on August 7th, saying that this is not a concern only for Thais, but is a concern of many countries around the world, who have issued statements on the issue that organizations that are not connected to the people can dissolve political parties that come from the people. She understands that this is a concern of many countries that are part of the democratic mechanism and sees it as a big issue. As for the senators themselves, they must also express their stance on this issue. The senators should issue a statement and are currently considering the draft statement before presenting it today (August 5th) or tomorrow (August 6th). It is not about the new breed of senators or just one group of senators. It could be about the overall position of the senators on this issue. She also invited all senators who are aware of the democratic mechanism to join in signing here. As for the details of the content of the statement, Ms. Nantana said that it will express concerns about independent organizations being able to come in and determine and change the direction of Thai politics. The fact that independent organizations can dissolve institutions that come from the people, political parties that the people have chosen, will be viewed in terms of democratic principles that are civilized. Source: Thai News Agency

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