“Thanapon” joins in donating money to the Prachachon Party – proposes amending Section 112, no one escapes

'Thanaporn' joins in donating money to the Prachachon Party, supporting the party's firm political fight, recommending a good relationship between the Progressive Movement and the party because it will become a case of having many big bosses - confirming that if the legal team of 44 MPs does not change, no one will survive the amendment of Section 112, believing that those in power are determined to uproot the roots and mud. Mr. Thanaporn Sriyakul, Director of the Institute of Political and Policy Analysis, traveled to give encouragement and donate 3,000 baht to the Prachachon Party, but did not apply for membership because he could not criticize politics. The reason he donated money to support the party was because the party was determined to fight politically. No matter how much they were attacked and beaten, they had to come and give encouragement because he thought that these things were a test to fight and win politically, which no political party had ever done before in history. In the past, no matter which party was dissolved, they would be exhausted and would not have the strength to move forward. Therefore, it is the duty of all of us to help support and allow this kind of political party to move forward. As for whether or not they will win the election, it depends on the decision of all of us in the future. Mr. Thanaporn also assessed the situation of the by-election in Phitsanulok Province that the Prachachon Party did not have much choice but to accumulate as many victories as possible to restore confidence because it must be admitted that those who have been repeatedly beaten have weakened. He also expects that in the no-confidence debate at the end of this year, the Prachachon Party will be able to demonstrate its role as a quality opposition party very well. Thanaporn also noted about the Prachachon Party and the Progressive Movement that the Progressive Movement has a duty to improve ideas, but the party has a duty to be an actor. In terms of the law, this relationship must be well-organized. O therwise, the strength will become a weakness because the singers are always waiting to sing. At the same time, there is talk that the Prachachon Party has many big bosses who give orders left and right, which is the same with other political parties. Therefore, the relationship must be well-organized because today there are strong figures from the Future Forward Party and the Move Forward Party joining the Progressive Movement. Therefore, it is an issue that must be watched. If the relationship is not well-organized, the Prachachon Party will have many big bosses, which may have a long-term political impact. When asked how he viewed the inclusion of the names of the 44 people who proposed the amendment of Section 112 to be the party's executive committee, Mr. Thanaporn said that he viewed Section 112 as the right thing for the party to do, and he supported it because if the Prachachon Party backed down on this issue, it would be considered a loss of party identity. As for the 44 MPs, from my analysis, I th ink not a single one will survive because the old power base has tried so hard. There is no reason to hold back. They will only try to kill them and uproot them. The strong MPs must prepare to fight in the NACC because fighting in court requires many methods and perspectives. If we look at the law from Section 92 and Section 93 regarding party dissolution, the legal team of the Prachachon Party must do their homework again because these two sections are purely legal fights. Therefore, I think that if they are weak in fighting the law like this, there is no chance that these 44 will survive. Therefore, I would like to state in advance that if there is no adjustment of the legal team, these 44 will definitely become extinct. When asked why the People's Party dared to take the risk of having people who would be disqualified as party executives, Mr. Thanaporn said that the Move Forward Party did not have much choice. If they did not put this group of people in the lead first, it would lose confidence. Therefore, it was necessary under the situation. Therefore, what we need to keep an eye on is the people who are not party executives. He believes that they are capable of doing the job. But at the same time, we need to keep an eye on the people in power because if they do this much, they will probably let up. Don't think positively. Don't be optimistic. -319 Source: Thai News Agency

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