The People’s Party is preparing to send a candidate to compete for the Phitsanulok MP seat to replace “Dr. Ong”.

The People's Party is preparing to send a candidate to compete for the Phitsanulok MP position to replace "Dr. Ong" after secretly sending a prospective candidate to stay in the white crow area of Wilai for more than 3 months. Reporters reported that in the case of Mr. Somchai Srisutthiyakorn, former Election Commissioner (EC), who came out to state that the Prachachon Party still cannot send new members to run for the by-election for MP Phitsanulok District 1 instead of Mr. Padipat Santipada, former MP Phitsanulok, Move Forward Party, because they must have been party members for no less than 90 days, but the Prachachon Party just launched today. The latest confirmation is that the Prachachon Party can send a candidate because the Move Forward Party sent someone to apply for a member of the Khao Khao Wilai Party before the party was dissolved, making the person a party member for 90 days and therefore eligible to run for election. However, the party has not yet disclosed the name of the person. Previousl y, Mr. Somchai posted a message congratulating the Prachachon Party and the new party leader, along with stating that the first mission to hold a by-election in Constituency 1, Phitsanulok Province, has issues to consider, namely that the by-election will take place within 45 days from the date of the by-election, according to Section 104 and Section 102 of the Constitution. The by-election date within the time frame, if set to be a Sunday, the last Sunday is September 15, 2024. Mr. Somchai stated that in applying, applicants must have been members of that political party for no less than 90 days up to election day, according to Section 41(3) of the Organic Act on the Election of Members of Parliament. Therefore, they must have been members since June 17, 2024. Members of the Prachachon Party who are original members of the Thin Ka Khao Party who have all the qualifications are therefore eligible to apply. Those who have just applied today will lack the qualifications in terms of having to be members 90 days before election day Source: Thai News Agency

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