The Senate accepts the principles of the draft meeting regulations.

Parliament, The Senate voted to accept the draft amendment to the meeting regulations of "Pol. Lt. Gen. Yuthana" to reduce the number of committees to 21 to prevent duplication of work and ensure unity, with a vote of 148 to 39. Reporters reported that the Senate meeting today (5 August) was chaired by Mr. Mongkol Surassajja, President of the Senate. He considered the motion on the matter of proposing a motion to amend the Senate meeting regulations (No. ..) B.E. ...., a total of 5 versions, which were proposed by senators. Dr. Premsak Piayura, a member of the Senate, proposed a motion to amend the draft Senate meeting regulations. He stated the principles and reasons for proposing to amend the Senate meeting regulations, referring to the origin of the Senate from 20 professional groups and the existence of House of Representatives committees that work in line with the Senate. Therefore, he proposed to change it to have 28 Senate standing committees, each consisting of no less than 9 and no more than 18 me mbers. Mr. Prapas Pintabtaeng, a member of the Senate, discussed the principles and reasons for proposing amendments to the Senate meeting regulations. The committees should be adjusted to be more appropriate, taking into account the knowledge and expertise of each member and in line with the Senate's professional groups. In order to monitor and administer the country with maximum efficiency, the number and composition, as well as the duties and powers of the Senate Standing Committees and Special Committees must be adjusted to be in line with the changing missions. He proposed 26 committees, with no less than 8 and no more than 15 members. Most of the committees should remain the same, and the names of some committees should be adjusted. He proposed adding a committee for civil society, public benefit organizations, and community organizations. He also proposed adding a special committee to study the amendment of the constitution. In addition, Mr. Thewarit Maneechai, a member of the Senate, proposed a moti on to amend Regulation 76 to publish the voting record of each member through electronic media or other types of information technology media to make it known to the general public. While Mr. Ekkachai Ruangrat, a member of the Senate, proposed a motion to have 26 committees and no more than 4 subcommittees so that the senators can use their different knowledge and abilities to help solve problems, support missions, and carry out legislative work for the people in a true manner, proposing to have them in accordance with the Committee on Enhancement of Economic Potential and Advantages for Thais, and proposing to increase the number of committees in item 17, the Committee on Information Technology, Communications, Telecommunications, and Solving Technological Crimes, and proposing to increase the number of committees in item 22 to be the Committee on Natural Resources and Environment, Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, and Public Disasters. Pol. Lt. Gen. Yutthana Thaiphakdee, a member of the Senate, propose d a motion to reduce the number of committees to 21, and each committee to not exceed 3 subcommittees, in order to avoid duplication of work and to maintain unity, and to be able to reduce the budget expenses of each committee considerably. And if everyone helps manage, whether it is the chairperson or vice chairperson of the committee, it will make the work of the council run efficiently. The reduction is to combine the committees that can coexist because they have similar work. Consisting of the Committee on Law, Justice and Police, the Committee on Agriculture and Cooperatives , the Committee on Tourism and Sports, the Committee on Political Development and Public Participation and Human Rights, Freedom and Consumer Protection, the Committee on Education and Higher Education, the Committee on Economic, Financial, Fiscal and Poverty Alleviation, the Committee on Independent Organizations under the Constitution and the Investigation of Corruption and Misconduct. After the meeting opened for senators to di scuss and support all 5 motions extensively, the meeting voted to accept the draft meeting regulations of Pol. Lt. Gen. Yuthana with 148 votes in favor, 39 votes against, and 13 abstentions, with only one draft. While the other 4 voted not to accept the draft consisting of Dr. Premsak's, with 48 members in favor, 134 against, and 11 abstentions; Mr. Prabhas' draft was not accepted, with 42 members in favor, 140 against, and 11 abstentions; Mr. Thewarit's draft was not accepted, with 38 members in favor, 144 against, and 12 abstentions; and Mr. Ekkachai's draft was not accepted, with 42 members in favor, 139 against, and 13 abstentions. They proposed the establishment of a 21-member committee to consider the matter within 30 days. Source: Thai News Agency

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