Top legislator chairs NA Standing Committee’s law-building session

The National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee convened its 5th thematic session on law-building on August 12 morning under the chair of NA Chairman Tran Thanh Man. In his opening remarks, the top legislator highlighted the significance of the meeting, saying that law-makers will discuss the revision of 10 out of 11 draft laws that were first submitted for debate at the NA’s 7th session, including the Law on Geology and Minerals, the Law on amendments and supplements to a number of articles of the Law on Pharmacy, the Law on Trade Unions (revised), the revised Law on Human Trafficking Prevention and Control, the revised Notary Law, the Law on Cultural Heritage (revised), the Law on Urban and Rural Planning, the Law on Fire Prevention, Fighting and Rescue, the revised Law on Value Added Tax, and the Law on Juvenile Justice.

Source: Vietnami News Agency

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