Vietnamese, Lao Ministries of Public Security eye stronger cooperation

Vietnamese Minister of Public Security Gen. To Lam on August 25 attended a groundbreaking ceremony for buildings of the Lao People’s Public Security Political Academy, the gift of Vietnam for Laos, as part of his working visit to the neighbouring country.

Speaking at the event, Lam highlighted the flourishing cooperation between the two Ministries of Public Security, saying that their forces have maintained close cooperation in exchanging information and sharing experience.

The two side have also coordinated to implement the cooperation plans of the two ministries, and Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) between the public security departments of Vietnamese and Lao localities, he said, adding that police forces in border regions of the two countries have worked closely to enhance communication activities, thus raising awareness of law observance for people living and doing business in border areas.

They have also coordinated to defeat all sabotage plots and activities by hostile forces; effectively prevent transnational crimes; solve problems related to free migrants and unregistered marriage, illegal entry and exit cross the border. The two sides have paid special attention to training personnel and increasing the exchange of research teams and experience learning, contributing to the enhancement of the combat capacity for the two countries’ police forces.

The project is a symbol of special solidarity between the two parties, states and people of the two countries in general, and between their police forces in particular, helping to consolidate and step up the bilateral relations, he stressed.

Lam affirmed that the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security is willing to accompany and support its Lao counterpart in building a training programme and a contingent of lecturers, thus help the academy can immediately begin training activities after the work is completed.

In his speech, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Security of Laos Gen. Vilay Lakhamphong thanked the Vietnamese ministry for its support for the project, expressing his hope that the work will help the Lao security force complete its task, especially in training political theory.

In the morning of the same day, the Vietnamese delegation attended a photo exhibition, which spotlights the comprehensive cooperation between the police force of the two countries over the last six decades./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency

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