“Wirote” is concerned about “Kham’s” attitude using government channels to criticize the dissolution of Move Forward Party.

Air Force, 'Wirote' is concerned about 'Kham's' attitude using government channels to criticize the Progressive Party dissolution case, seeing it as leading and pressuring the Constitutional Court, urging 'Seththa' to clarify, saying that the executive branch should not interfere with independent organizations. Mr. Wiroj Lakkhanaadisorn, MP of the Move Forward Party, spoke about the case of Mr. Karom Polpornklang, Deputy Government Spokesperson, criticizing the Move Forward Party dissolution case, saying that the Move Forward Party already respects the Constitutional Court's ruling, but is more concerned about Mr. Karom's stance, Deputy Government Spokesperson, and thinks that the news is not true. Until he found this news on the website of the Office of the Prime Minister, the government's news dissemination channel, it means that the person's speech was in the name of Deputy Government Spokesperson or Government Spokesperson. And if you listen to Mr. Karom's interview, it is likely to lead and threaten th e Constitutional Court if the Constitutional Court does not dare to dissolve the party, along with writing about several conditions. Mr. Wiroj said that the Constitutional Court must consider whether this action constitutes an indication or pressure on the Constitutional Court. The person who must come out to answer this question is Mr. Settha Thavisin, the Prime Minister, as to how he allowed the spokesperson team to release news in a manner that could make society understand that it was creating conditions, leading, and threatening the Constitutional Court. Because when the Move Forward Party holds a press conference, it usually talks about the law, facts, and approach to fighting the case, but it has never led the Constitutional Court. The direction of the Constitutional Republic has 2 main elements: it must be decided in this way, or if the Constitutional Court does not decide in this way, it will be like this. These words have never come out of the mouth of anyone from the Move Forward Party. Therefore, the person who must come out to answer this question is Mr. Settha, the Prime Minister. When asked further whether this action further emphasizes that the dissolution of the Move Forward Party is a political matter, Mr. Wiroj replied that he could think that way, but he implored Mr. Settha to come out and clarify this matter because the news did not come from any news agency but from the website of the Office of the Prime Minister. Therefore, using the government's spokesperson to communicate is a manner that the public may understand as leading, pressuring, and creating conditions for the Constitutional Republic, which believes that the executive power should not interfere with independent organizations. As for the accusation that he was seen as bringing foreigners into the process, Mr. Wiroj exclaimed in surprise before saying that he would like to ask the question that if they were to shut down communication with any international organization, would they really want to shut down the country? He said tha t they should give importance to the content of the communication. If the content of the communication is legal, what is there to be afraid of? He emphasized that Thailand is an open country. It even sent athletes to compete in the Olympics. Today, is the country going to be shut down? Therefore, the communication with international organizations and embassies, the content of the communication is correct and legitimate according to Thai law and international law. There is no need to worry because the Prime Minister is on the road often. Source: Thai News Agency

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