A 1-year-old child was abused and raped by her nanny’s husband and died.

Nakhon Nayok, In the case of a 1 year and 9 month old child being abused and raped by the nanny's husband, resulting in serious injuries, the unfortunate child has recently died. Meanwhile, relatives are still suspicious and believe that the suspect's wife may have been involved. At Nakhon Nayok Hospital, the family of "Nong May", aged 1 year and 9 months, who was physically abused and raped by Mr. Phichit, aged 37, until she fell into a coma and died in the early hours of this morning (July 10), traveled to receive the body with great sadness. Relatives who had been watching over May since she entered the hospital and had been monitoring her condition continuously sent her body to the Ongkharak Rajabhat University Hospital for another autopsy because they were still concerned about the cause of death, including the nail marks on her face. They suspected that someone else, other than Mr. Pichi, might have harmed her. Mr. Chawinbut, 18, father of Nong May, stated that he received bad news from the hospital around 5:00 a.m. The hospital called to say that Nong May had died. In the morning, relatives rushed to receive Nong May's body from Nakhon Nayok Hospital to send it for an autopsy at SWU Ongkharak Hospital. Now that he knows about Nong May's death, he wants the police to add more charges against Mr. Phichit so that he doesn't cause trouble for other families. Ms. Sripai, Mr. Phichit's wife, after hearing the news of Nong May's death, recorded a message of condolence and sent it to the victim's relatives, along with an apology and asking the law to deal with Mr. Phichit. She also asked the victim's relatives not to press charges against her and her child, who had also been abused by Mr. Phichit. Doctors at the Ongkharak Hospital of MSU revealed the autopsy results of Nong May, which found that she had been hit with a hard object. There were bruises on her genitals, but the inside was not torn. After the autopsy was completed at 12:00 noon, the hospital handed over the body to the family for religious ceremo nies. The body will be taken to Wat Sawang Arom in Ongkharak District, Nakhon Nayok Province, where five nights of prayers will be held. The body will be sprinkled with holy water today (July 10) at 5:00 p.m. The family of Nong May informed the reporters that after taking Nong's body to the temple, they will travel to meet the investigation officers at Ongkharak Police Station to ask for legal action against everyone involved. They confirmed that they will not accept any settlement, even though the perpetrator's wife tried to contact them to apologize and asked for legal action against only the perpetrator. For Mr. Phichit, the accused in the case, yesterday he was taken into custody by the Ongkharak Police Station investigators for initial detention because the case file was not yet complete. While Mr. Phichit was being taken to the car, reporters tried to ask him if he had really committed the crime. Mr. Phichit simply replied that he did not do it and insisted that his younger brother fell down the stair s himself. Pol. Lt. Col. Phongsant Chaiphan, deputy chief investigator at Ongkharak Police Station, said that the suspect continued to deny the charges and insisted that the child fell down the stairs himself. From the evidence collected by forensic officers at the scene, there was no evidence of stairs. There was only the house itself, which was raised about 50 cm. off the ground. It is unbelievable that if the child fell, the child would be in such serious condition. From the interrogation of the accused's daughter and son by multidisciplinary officers, they confirmed that they saw the accused physically abuse the child. However, the accused still claimed that he had kicked the child a little bit with his hands, but did not use a stick or any weapon to hit the child. And after the child recently died, the investigator will request to withdraw the accused from the court for further interrogation and to add charges of assault causing death. Very sad, relatives and people joined the water pouring ceremony last evening. At Wat Sawang Arom, Ongkharak Subdistrict, Ongkharak District, Nakhon Nayok Province, there was a water pouring ceremony for the unfortunate little boy amidst the sadness of the relatives and people who knew about the story. Everyone still could not accept what happened and spoke about the perpetrator, saying that he did not deserve to be in this world anymore because an innocent child like this could do this. Dr. Boom-Panadda Wongphudee sent a wreath to express her condolences and help with the funeral expenses for all 5 nights. If there are any legal problems, she is ready to send a lawyer to help immediately. Source: Thai News Agency

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