Customs officials seized imported goods without TIS and illegal goods, including multi-purpose cooking pots, fans, and mist sprayers. Mr. Yuthana Poolpipat, Deputy Director-General of the Customs Department and Deputy Spokesperson of the Customs Department, revealed that after Customs increased measures to prevent and suppress imported goods for sale in the country that were not authorized by the Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI), including the interception of all forms of illegal goods to protect society and the public, most recently on September 8, 2024, 590 items of goods were seized from the warehouse in Chonburi Province for sale, such as multi-purpose cooking pots, fans, sprayers, and safety helmets. Although the number of products seized in this arrest was not much, if these products were sold in the market, they could be dangerous for the public who consume substandard products. In the past 3 months, the Laem Chabang Port Customs Office has used risk management principles and increased the random inspection rate of containers to urgently suppress offenders. There have been seizures of various types of products, as follows: 'Products that are not certified by the Industrial Standards (TIS), such as electric cooking pots, electrical appliances, solar cell lamps, etc., totaling more than 11,849 items' 'Products that pose a threat to technology crimes, such as foreign telephones and SIM cards, totaling 2,503 items' 'Prohibited products, such as e-cigarettes, liquids and e-cigarette equipment, totaling 35,226 items' 'Prohibited products, such as counterfeit or infringing trademarks, totaling 194,871 items', with a total seizure value of more than 7,500,000 baht. For the fiscal year 2024 (Oct. 2023 - 8 Sept. 2024), the Customs Department has cracked down on offenders in cases of tax fraud, trade fraud, and offenses of evading prohibited and restricted smuggling at the Laem Chabang Port Customs Office, totaling 457 cases, with a total value of arrests of over 109 million baht. Source: Thai News Age ncy
GISTDA-EGAT jointly introduce geo-informatics technology to create energy security
GISTDA joins forces with EGAT to collaborate on academic cooperation in space technology and geo-informatics, applying innovation and AI to create energy security.
Mr. Pakorn Aphapant, Director of Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agen…