Supreme Administrative Court Order to accept complaint regarding True-DTAC merger

Administrative Court, Supreme Administrative Court Order to accept the complaint True-DTAC merger The event affected a wide swath of the public. Reporters reported that Supreme Administrative Court An order was issued to reverse the order of the Administrative Court of First Instance. It is to accept the complaint of all 5 plaintiffs in the case asking to revoke the resolution of the Broadcasting Commission. Television business and Telecommunications Business (NBTC) in the case of acknowledging the merger of True Corporation Public Company Limited and Total Access Communication Public Company Limited or DTAC, by following the process Consider further according to the case picture. Including considering the request for a temporary method before the judgment of the five plaintiffs. by the Supreme Administrative Court Consider that telecommunications services are basic public services that affect people's lives. and with limitations on the limited amount of frequency spectrum In addition, investment in teleco mmunications operations It requires a lot of capital. Telecommunications market or industry Therefore, there are only a small number of entrepreneurs. making it a semi-monopoly in nature Will operators in the telecommunications business merge businesses or not? Therefore affecting free and fair competition. and has a wide impact on the people who use the service as well This dispute must be considered beneficial to the garden as a whole. The Administrative Court therefore has the power to accept this complaint for consideration and adjudication. In this case, Mr. Noppadon Wongvihok and a group of 5 people filed a lawsuit against the NBTC at the Central Administrative Court. By asking the court to revoke the NBTC's announcement on measures to supervise business combinations in telecommunications businesses dated December 4, 2017, and requesting the revocation of the NBTC's resolution at the special meeting No. 5/2022. on October 20, 2022, including prohibiting the NBTC from proceeding with the merger as per t he announcement. and resolution of such disputes An application for interim pre-judgment procedures was also submitted and asked for expedited consideration. In this case, the plaintiff claims that Providing unlawful announcements and resolutions of disputes will continue to be effective. Causing serious damage to the five plaintiffs and the people who use the service and True Corporation Public Company Limited and Total Access Communication Public Company Limited or DTAC, which if there is The merger of companies will have an impact on a large number of people who use mobile phone networks. It may also affect people's shareholding in the stock exchange. Source: Thai News Agency