Thai Futsal beats Croatia 2-1, collects 3 points in the first match of the FIFA Futsal World Cup 2024.

Thai Futsal beats Croatia 2-1, collecting 3 points in the first match of the FIFA Futsal World Cup 2024. On September 14, 2024, at Bukhara Universal Sports Complex, Uzbekistan, the first match of the FIFA Futsal World Cup 2024, Group B, the Thai futsal team, ranked 9th in the world, will face Croatia, ranked 16th in the world. In this game, head coach Miguel Rodrigo sent the first 5 players onto the field as Arus Senbat (GK), Itticha Prapaphan, Sarawut Phalapruek, Muhammad Usmanmusa and Ronachai Chungwongsuk. Just 3 minutes into the game, the Thai national futsal team scored the first goal. Sarawut Phalapruek passed the ball to Muhammad Usmanmusa who shot with his right foot to put Thailand ahead 1-0. In the 6th minute, Croatia had a chance to equalize from a kick-in and it was Sekulic Antonio who shot with his right foot, the ball hit Arus Senbat before hitting the post and going out behind. In the 16th minute, Croatia had another chance to score. Jlovic Franco passed the ball through the gap to Peric Luca who had a chance to turn and shoot with full force just over the bar. In the 17th minute, Croatia had another chance to score. Jlovic Franco's long-range shot from outside the penalty area was saved by Arus Senbat. After that, there were no more chances to score. The first half ended with the Thai national futsal team leading Croatia 1-0. In the second half, in the 21st minute, the Thai national team had a chance to score another goal from a long shot by Muhammad Usman Musa, but the ball unfortunately went wide of the frame. In the 27th minute, the Thai national futsal team had a chance to score another goal. Muhammad Usman Musa passed the ball to Jirawat Sonwichian who had a chance to shoot from a distance, but the ball went straight to Primik Zoran who caught it. In the 30th minute, the Thai national team extended their lead. Itticha Prapaphan had a chance to take a long shot, but the ball deflected off a Croatian player before reaching Ronachai Jungwongsuk who shot straight into the net, giving T hailand a 2-0 lead. In the 31st minute, Croatia scored a goal from a right-footed shot by Sekulic Antonio, making it 1-2. There were no more goals in the remaining time. The game ended with the Thai national futsal team narrowly defeating Croatia 2-1, successfully collecting 3 points in the first match. The next match program, the Thai national futsal team will play in the 2024 Futsal World Cup, Group B, second match, against Cuba at Bukhara Universal Sports Complex on September 17, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. Thailand time, broadcast live on T Sports 7. Source: Thai News Agency

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