Mission of the Prime Minister today. In addition to eliminating drugs It's a national agenda. There is also the issue of infrastructure development. In the aviation business, especially the construction of the second Chiang Mai airport or Lanna airport. which the Prime Minister Met the people who live around the airport and AOT's executives as well
One of the missions of the Prime Minister, Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance In Chiang Mai Province, we listened to the problems of villagers around the airport after preparing to extend flight hours after midnight. By confirming that the government intends to build a second Chiang Mai airport or Lanna airport. To support future tourism Ready to listen to the problems of villagers around Chiang Mai Airport At Mae Hia Municipality The villagers reflected on the problem that in the past, even though they received assistance from Airports of Thailand PCL. But if the flight time is extended after midnight It will affect the elderly, children and working people who need to rest. Therefore, I would like to ask for help from the Prime Minister to help solve the problem.
The Prime Minister confirmed that he wanted to come and listen to the problems and impacts. To find a solution to the problem. In the short term, flight hours need to be extended to stimulate tourism. In the long term, the government intends to build a second Chiang Mai Airport or Lanna International Airport as well.
The Prime Minister also met with the management of Chiang Mai Airport Authority. To join in discussing the issue of increasing flights after midnight to accommodate the increased number of tourists, the results were summarized.
Concerning the development and improvement of Chiang Mai Airport, such as the development and adjustment of the original passenger building. Construction of a new passenger building but in the same area Including the construction of a second airport to solve the problem of capacity or passenger congestion at the current Chiang Mai Airport, even though the airport has been developed to accommodate passengers. But in order to efficiently accommodate more passengers as per the target of 20 million passengers per year, a second airport must be built. As for adding flights after midnight, it can be done without violating existing laws. live
The Prime Minister emphasized that AOT besides taking care of EIA and various environmental impacts. and then provide appropriate relief to the people and reduce noise impacts. Including healing the mind. He also asked about the construction of a new airport that requires an investment of approximately 70 billion baht over a period of 7 years. How much value and benefit will it bring to the people compared to the current airport where the profit is 2 billion? baht per year, which AOT reports that when construction of the new airport is completed, it will have a profit of approximately 3 billion baht per year. and can accommodate up to 20 million passengers per year according to the target set. As for the 7-year operation period, the Prime Minister said that this is an appropriate period of time. And would like to expedite operations according to the plan set out to accommodate passengers as targeted and to stimulate the economy according to government policy.
At the same time, the Prime Minister spoke about the government's visa-free policy, which will cause more tourists to come, especially Chinese tourists. He asked the AOT and Immigration and related agencies to take care to make the incoming tourists impressed. and is safe
While Mr. Keerati Kitmanawat, Director General Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited confirmed that there is a need to extend flight hours after midnight. To accommodate Chinese, Korean, and Japanese tourists, but with clear relief measures. They are ready to pay 100,000 baht in compensation for home repairs and if they are seriously affected. Will buy a house at a fair price.
The Prime Minister then traveled to inspect Chiang Mai Airport. There is a plan to develop Phase 1, including building a new building and expanding a taxiway to accommodate increased flights. It is expected to be completed in 2029, which will expand to accommodate up to 16 passengers. The Prime Minister therefore returns to complete his mission up north this time.
Source: Thai News Agency