Buddhists go to temples to make merit on Asarnha Bucha Day.

Lampang, Northern Buddhists dress in new clothes and go to temples to make merit and offer alms on Asarnha Bucha Day and Buddhist Lent.

July 20, 2024, the merit-making festival of Asarnha Bucha Day and Khao Phansa this year, Northern Buddhists of all ages dress in new clothes, wearing white and colorful shirts, making merit or offering food to their deceased ancestors, and offering candles during the Buddhist Lent at temples near their homes, continuing the traditions of Buddhists in large numbers.

At Suk Sawat Temple in Lampang Municipality, the elderly dressed in white and local clothes, colorful clothes, brought their children and grandchildren to make merit by offering flowers or glass bowls to the three Buddhas, the Dharma, and the Sangha, as well as offering dry food and rice bowls, and offering sweet and savory bowls of rice, Hang Le curry, Khao Tom Mat, and Khanom Jok to their ancestors who had passed away since the morning, to the point that people had to wait in line. It was also found that some
villagers offered sticky rice to monks, which is considered to be preserving the traditions of the northern people and Lampang people, which have been practiced for hundreds of years.

In the offering of rice to the ancestors of the deceased, the faithful of Suk Sawat Temple follow a local tradition that has been held for a long time. Every family will bring sweet and savory food, including selected fruits, along with banana leaf cones filled with flowers, incense sticks, candles, placed on a tray as a set, and a bottle of water droplets for pouring water, arranged one after the other.

Then the monks will receive the rice bowl and chant blessings. The villagers put their hands together in worship to receive blessings. They will pray to those who will dedicate merit to their ancestors, relatives, and acquaintances who have passed away to receive the offerings that they have brought to the monks today. After that, they will put flowers in the bowl and offer candles for the Buddhist Lent and listen to sermons t
hroughout the day. There is also a candle casting ceremony and offering candles, which is a Buddhist ceremony that occurs when the Buddhist Lent begins. The purpose of offering candles for the Buddhist Lent is to worship the Triple Gem, hoping for the benefits of creating happiness, bright wisdom, and a bright and prosperous life like the light from a candle that shines.

Source: Thai News Agency

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