“Chulaphan” admits there is an opportunity to adjust the criteria for distributing digital money.

"Chulaphan" admits there is an opportunity to change the criteria for distributing digital wallet money, confident that it will be more beneficial to the people. Mr. Chulaphan Amornvivat, Deputy Minister of Finance, admitted that the details of the digital wallet project were changed, saying that there were discussions within the Pheu Thai Party, but he could not provide details because he had to respect the coalition parties in formulating the policies. He was also asked by several coalition parties when they would meet to discuss the government's policies in order to move forward with the policies under a limited budget. As for the news of distributing to vulnerable groups who registered first, the budget of 122 billion baht, which is the additional budget for 2024 and distributing cash through the state welfare card or the poor person's card at one time, in the amount of 10,000 baht, Mr. Chulaphan stated that there are still many ideas at the moment, but he would not answer in detail yet. However, he co nfirmed that the digital wallet project can still move forward. The format may need to be adjusted in some parts to create confidence. The format that the cabinet of former Prime Minister Settha Thavisin set has already been resolved and there has been no order to change it. Therefore, it will continue as usual for now. However, when there is a new government and the government policy statement has been submitted to the parliament, there may be adjustments. He is confident that it will be an adjustment that is more pleasing and beneficial to the people. In addition, the issues of concern according to various laws will also need to be adjusted in order to move forward with the project and stimulate the economy in the short term. Mr. Chulaphan also mentioned the additional 122 billion baht in the 2024 budget that the Senate has already approved, and the government must expedite its disbursement to be completed by September 30. He admitted that there are still steps to form a government, but he believes that th e Prime Minister will expedite the process of forming ministers in order to be able to move forward with the policy and be in time for the 2024 budget framework, which ends on September 30. However, if it cannot be spent in time, it will have to be returned to the treasury. As for the distribution of digital wallets, will the original schedule be maintained in the fourth quarter? Mr. Chulaphan stated that at present, nothing has changed until there is a change from the new cabinet. As for whether there is a chance of changing to cash handouts, Mr. Chulaphan said that there is a chance of everything changing until there is an agreement from the coalition parties, which he believes the government policy statement will be held early September. Mr. Chulaphan also mentioned the meeting of the committee to consider the draft of the 2024 budget bill today (August 21) which has the idea of ??changing the budget of 35 billion baht to put in the digital wallet project by cutting the budget from the budget used to pa y off the debts of BAAC, Government Savings Bank, EXIM Bank and Government Housing Bank that it is a proposal of the department because there is a need to stimulate the economy through the digital wallet, which such action can be done and has been done since the government of Mr. Settha, which has been done through the cabinet process to the committee, which the committee has considered according to the process and depends on the opinion of the House of Representatives in considering the second reading during September 4-6. Source: Thai News Agency

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