“Dr. Ming” reveals that each party has gradually submitted the names of ministers, except for the Palang Pracharath Party.

"Dr. Ming" said that each party will gradually submit the names of ministers for qualifications to be checked, except for the Palang Pracharath Party, which has not yet arrived. He admitted that they must check especially strictly. There is no deadline for submitting names. He said that if they do not submit, they will not be checked. Dr. Prommin Lertsuridej, former secretary-general to the prime minister, spoke about the progress of the submission of the list of ministers, saying that various things must be checked. At present, only the names have been submitted. As for the Palang Pracharath Party, it has not yet submitted the list. When reporters asked if the list sent was the Bhumjaithai Party's list, Dr. Prommin said that initially, according to the principles, it was a preparation for speed. The Cabinet Secretary will coordinate closely and conduct an initial inspection. Currently, there are already lists sent from some parties, which are in the inspection process. He requested permission not to discl ose them because nothing is certain yet. Normally, the real cabinet names will be waited for until there is royal approval only. When asked further whether he could say which parties had already sent candidates, Dr. Prommin said that they were trying to send candidates, and they would have to check both old and new candidates because they had to check everyone. As for whether they would have to check in more detail than before, they usually check in depth anyway, but with the Constitutional Court's ruling like this, they would have to check back to where they were. Dr. Prommin also said that there is no deadline for submitting the list. If it is not submitted, it will not be examined. He confirmed that this is not the first time that the list has been submitted for the Council of State to examine, which is normally the main duty of the Cabinet Secretary. However, the Cabinet Secretary has to examine several agencies. Initially, coordination has been made with various agencies since yesterday. And when aske d again whether they would send it to the Council of State to investigate all of them or investigate only some of them, Dr. Prommin said that there was already a process. They would forward it when there were legal questions because the Council of State is the legal advisor to the government. But there were still many things that were already investigated, such as criminal records and the Securities and Exchange Commission. But the whole process had to be thorough. At the same time, Dr. Phrommin emphasized that everyone must be examined carefully. From the incident where the Constitutional Court made a ruling, it must be examined strictly, especially. Source: Thai News Agency

  • “Dr. Ming” reveals that each party has gradually submitted the names of ministers, except for the Palang Pracharath Party.

    "Dr. Ming" said that each party will gradually submit the names of ministers for qualifications to be checked, except for the Palang Pracharath Party, which has not yet arrived. He admitted that they must check especially strictly. There is no deadline for submitting names. He said that if they do not submit, they will not be checked. Dr. Prommin Lertsuridej, former secretary-general to the prime minister, spoke about the progress of the submission of the list of ministers, saying that various things must be checked. At present, only the names have been submitted. As for the Palang Pracharath Party, it has not yet submitted the list. When reporters asked if the list sent was the Bhumjaithai Party's list, Dr. Prommin said that initially, according to the principles, it was a preparation for speed. The Cabinet Secretary will coordinate closely and conduct an initial inspection. Currently, there are already lists sent from some parties, which are in the inspection process. He requested permission not to discl ose them because nothing is certain yet. Normally, the real cabinet names will be waited for until there is royal approval only. When asked further whether he could say which parties had already sent candidates, Dr. Prommin said that they were trying to send candidates, and they would have to check both old and new candidates because they had to check everyone. As for whether they would have to check in more detail than before, they usually check in depth anyway, but with the Constitutional Court's ruling like this, they would have to check back to where they were. Dr. Prommin also said that there is no deadline for submitting the list. If it is not submitted, it will not be examined. He confirmed that this is not the first time that the list has been submitted for the Council of State to examine, which is normally the main duty of the Cabinet Secretary. However, the Cabinet Secretary has to examine several agencies. Initially, coordination has been made with various agencies since yesterday. And when aske d again whether they would send it to the Council of State to investigate all of them or investigate only some of them, Dr. Prommin said that there was already a process. They would forward it when there were legal questions because the Council of State is the legal advisor to the government. But there were still many things that were already investigated, such as criminal records and the Securities and Exchange Commission. But the whole process had to be thorough. At the same time, Dr. Phrommin emphasized that everyone must be examined carefully. From the incident where the Constitutional Court made a ruling, it must be examined strictly, especially. Source: Thai News Agency

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