Ministry of Energy joins forces with 75 organizations to conserve energy.

The Ministry of Energy has joined forces with 75 organizations to continue the energy conservation network. It is expected that in 6 months, electricity usage will be reduced by more than 500 million units, or 2.5 billion baht, and greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced by more than 240,000 tons of carbon. Mr. Prasert Sinsukprasert, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Energy, said that the Ministry of Energy announced the intention of the energy conservation network "Energy Beyond Standards 2024" together with more than 75 leading government and private organizations to show their commitment to jointly implement energy conservation within the organization and to encourage more cooperation in energy conservation in order to reduce the impact of energy prices, seriously push for energy conservation policies in the industrial and business sectors, which are sectors that use a lot of energy, to use energy efficiently, and create an energy conservation network to make energy use more efficient. For the foc used measures, it is the implementation under the 5 P measures ('Close, Adjust, Release, Change, Plant'). From the measures that each agency will implement for energy conservation, it is expected that in the 6-month period (September 2024-February 2025), it will result in an overall reduction in electricity usage of more than 500 million units, reducing the country's energy import costs by up to 2,500 million baht, equivalent to 68,500 tons of LNG, alleviating the impact on the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions by more than 240 thousand tons of carbon, and helping drive Thailand's climate change policy to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality by 2050. Mr. Wattanapong Kurovat, Director-General of the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE), said that the DEDE will provide technical support, training to provide knowledge, consultation and advice, as well as disseminate the results and knowledge of energy conservation to the public, stimulate all sectors to be aware and use energy efficiently, monitor energy saving results, report via online system, and set up an energy clinic to provide advice on both energy conservation and renewable energy, as well as provide advice on investment sources. Source: Thai News Agency

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