Thailand lost to Guatemala 4-6 in the Continental Futsal Championship.

Muhammad Usman Musa scored 4 goals alone but could not help the Thai futsal team before losing to Guatemala 4-6 in the Continental Futsal Championship Thailand 2024. Continental Futsal Championship Thailand 2024 at Nonthaburi Provincial Stadium, Wat Bot Don Phrom, Thailand national team, ranked 9th in the world, Navy team, who have won 2 matches in a row, meets Guatemala, ranked 40th in the world, who have won 2 and lost 1. Just 3 minutes into the game, Muhammad Usmanmusa got the ball in front of the penalty area before shooting with his right foot and the ball hit the near post to give Thailand a 1-0 lead. In the 9th minute, Wander Luis dribbled the ball from his own half before shooting with his right foot to give Guatemala a 1-1 tie. In the 14th minute, Apiwat Chaemcharoen intercepted the ball before passing it to Muhammad Usmanmusa who lifted the ball over the Guatemalan goalkeeper and into the net brilliantly, giving Thailand a 2-1 lead. In the 16th minute, Apiwat Chaemcharoen intercepted the ball aga in before passing it to Muhammad Usmanmusa who shot with his right foot into the net, completing Muhammad's hat-trick in this match and giving Thailand a 3-1 lead. In the second half, in the 23rd minute, Saldoval Prado blocked the ball with Panas Kittiphanuwong before shooting in front of the goal, making Guatemala chase 2-3. Just 3 minutes later, Muhammad Usmanmusa was kicked down in the middle of the field, but the referee let play continue before the ball went to Diaz Anchup who shot with his left foot to tie the score 3-3. In the 28th minute, Apiwat Chaemcharoen passed to Muhammad Usmanmusa who showed his skills by dribbling past his opponent before shooting with his left foot from a narrow angle. The ball went under the crossbar and went in for the 4th goal of the match and Apiwat's 4th assist of the match, helping the Thai national team lead 4-3. In the 32nd minute, Paniagua Martinez shot outside the box from a left corner kick. The ball hit the near post beautifully, tying the score 4-4. In the last 3 minutes, the Thai team played power play before Muhammad Usmanmusa was fouled. The referee blew for Guatemala's 6th foul, but Itticha Prapaphan's 2nd penalty kick hit Reyes Gomes and missed the lead again. In the 39th minute, Paniagua Martinez kicked the ball clear from his own half and the ball floated into the goal incredibly, helping Guatemala lead 5-4. Just 8 seconds before the end of the game, Sandoval Prado got a header before Apiwat Chaemcharoen scored the final goal, helping Guatemala defeat Thailand 6-4, giving Guatemala 9 points and a chance to win the championship. Thailand still has a chance to win the championship but must defeat Afghanistan in the final match on September 6 at 7:30 p.m. Source: Thai News Agency

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